Club Bylaws

Santa Barbara BMW Riders, Inc.

BMWMOA Charter #165

Revised December 20, 2023. 

Prior revisions: September 27, 2023, January 12, 2021, June, 1996.


Santa Barbara BMW Riders, Inc. 


  1. Celebrate and share the joy and privilege of riding.
  2. Promote enjoyment and interest in motorcycle ownership, riding skills, moto camping, touring and safety for those who appreciate BMW Motorcycles.
  3. To exchange technical information and assistance among members and from appropriate outside sources.
  4. At all times it shall be a Club objective to promote and present a positive image of motorcyclists to the general public, engaging in such activities and disseminating such information that will achieve this purpose.


  1. Applicants must own or aspire to own a BMW motorcycle.
  2. Applicants must support the purpose of the Club.
  3. Applicants must support Club standards for conduct.
  4. To be considered eligible for membership, an Applicant must
    1. Attend at least 3 Club meetings  or 
    2. Ride with 2 or more Club members 3 or more times and be recommended for membership by those Club members, or 
    3. A combination of 3 meetings and/or rides.
  5. The spouse or significant other of an applicant / member may become a member. 
  6. A waiver of responsibility must be signed on the original application.
  7. An applicant member must have final approval by the Club President and at least one other Board member.
  8. A former member may be granted member status with the approval of at least 2 current Board Officers and payment of current dues.


  1. All members must conduct themselves in a mature, safe and respectful manner at all times.

Termination of Membership

  1. A ⅔ vote of the Board and Ambassadors is required for termination of a membership.
  2. A member will be terminated for non-payment of dues for a period greater than 12 months and moved to former member status.


  1. General membership meetings will be held monthly or as required and may include in person, virtual or a combination of in person and virtual meetings. 
  2. Board of Directors meetings will be held annually or as required with the time and location to be designated by the president.


  1. Monthly.
  2. In the absence of a newsletter editor, the newsletter may be temporarily suspended.


  1. Current member Club dues are payable in the 1st quarter of the year.
  2. $30.00 per year, per member. 
  3. $5.00 per year, per associate member.
  4. New members who join the Club in the second half of a year may pay 50% of annual dues.

Board of Directors

  1. The affairs of this organization will be controlled by a Board of Directors.  
  2. The Board of Directors will consist of 7 or more members including: President; Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer; Past President and Ambassadors. 


  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer

Duties of the Officers

  1. Duties of the President
    1. To preside at all meetings.
    2. To see to the enforcement of the objects and purposes of this organization.
    3. To appoint committees and designate chairpersons.
    4. To perform any other duties specifically pertaining to this office.
    5. The President shall inform the Vice President of his or her inability to preside at any meeting.
  1. Duties of the Vice President
    1. To perform the duties of the President in case of absence or inability of the President.
    2. He or she may also perform any other duties which may be assigned by the President or Board of Directors. 
    3. To serve as Co-Website Manager, working with the Website Manager, to ensure the website serves the needs of the club, its members, and the general public. An important focus is on enhancing membership retention and access for new membership.
  1. Duties of the Secretary
    1. To keep a record of the minutes of the membership and Board meetings of the organization. 
    2. To perform such other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
    3. To help prepare communications of the organization and notify the membership of all meetings. This is usually accomplished by the monthly club newsletter.
  1. Duties of the Treasurer
    1. To receive, receipt, record and report all dues, monies or property donated or  paid to the organization.
    2. He or she shall be authorized to maintain bank accounts in the name of the Santa Barbara BMW Riders, Inc. 
    3. The Board shall authorize one other Board member to be signer to Club accounts.
    4. To keep an account of all receipts and disbursements and prepare an annual financial report for all members. 
    5. To maintain a statement of the current financial condition of the organization to be available upon request by the President or Board of Directors.
    6. To notify new members of their acceptance and welcome them to the Club upon completed and signed membership application, completion of membership requirements and receipt of dues. 
    7. Limit funds to be spent by a Board member and or Treasurer to:
      1. $200 per expenditure item  
      2. Any item of expense greater than $200 and less than $500 must be approved by the President and 2 Board members
      3. Any item of expense greater than $500 must be approved by at least ⅔ of Board members and a simple majority of members present at a monthly meeting.
    8. To maintain the Club membership list for use by all members.
    9. To maintain the Club non-profit status with the IRS and State of California. 
    10. To maintain BMW MOA Charter membership. 


  1. Duties of Ambassadors
    1. To promote membership and ridership in the Club.
    2. To provide leadership in Club activities.
    3. To plan, schedule and lead at least one club ride (day, multi-day, camping etc.) per year. 


  1. All current Club members are eligible to vote for Officers and Ambassadors.
  2. Elections will be held annually according to the following schedule:
    1. January – Discussion of Board of Directors requirements and request for volunteers.
    2. February – present a slate of members to fill Board positions.
    3. March – vote of membership for new Board membership for the year.
  3. The newly elected Board will become effective immediately thereafter. 

Website Manager

  1. The Board will select a Website Manager to maintain the official Club website and other outreach applications sponsored by the Club. 
  2. The Vice President shall serve as Co-website manager and interface with the Website Manager regarding content updates, improvements and features.
  3. The Website Manager shall keep the website updated with the latest security and performance upgrades. Appropriate backup procedures shall be maintained to protect Club data, photos, newsletters, articles and other as needed.
  4. The Website Manager in coordination with the President and Treasurer shall maintain the login permissions that controls access to current and past Club information.
  5. Typical content updates include; monthly newsletter, occasional article posts, photo updates, video updates, photo posts on Instagram (which is the gallery on the website), occasional update of Bylaws or other club information, and management of the cart on the website, that currently takes member dues.
  6. Primary Website Contact – The Website manager shall receive all Email that comes from the Contact Us page of the website. Depending on the request that comes through, the Website Manager will respond accordingly, which may include forwarding the Email to the Club Email List, adding the person to the Club Email List, responding directly back to the person, or forwarding the Email to the Board for any discussion.
  7. Email List Management – The Club uses Google Groups to manage its Email list (aka The Reflector). When Email is submitted from the Contact Us page of the website, the Website Manager receives those emails, and if the Email is to request interest in the Club, the person’s Email is to be added to the Email List, and a welcome email is to be sent to the person making the inquiry. When requests are made to be removed from the Email List, the Website Manager will remove the appropriate Email contact.
  8. In the case the Website Manager does not have the skills to complete their duties, they shall oversee or manage 3rd party persons or organizations that are assisting.  All costs associated with 3rd party persons or organizations shall be pre-approved by the Board.

Dissolution of Club

  1. In the event of dissolution of the Club
    1. Club documents and equipment will be dispersed by the then current Board of Directors.
    2. Remaining Club funds will be donated to the BMW MOA.